Privacy disclaimer


Case Perrotta S.r.l. | VAT number 04946550870 Rea CT 332557 | Share Capital € 10,000.00 based
in via Andronico, 2 -95010 - Sant'Alfio (CT), Sicily. Owner of the following email address:, as Data Controller (hereinafter the "Case Perrotta Srl" or "Owner")
makes this information statement applicable to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - GDPR - to those
who intend to register on the site (hereinafter the "Site").

Collection and purpose of the Treatment

Personal data are collected by the Data Controller through the Website, in particular by means of the specific form provided therein.

The data collected will be processed by the Data Controller to manage your request for information, or your subscription to the newsletter and to inform you about the news of Case Perrotta S.r.l. , to send you information and promotional material through newsletters and other commercial  communications, to send you any invitations regarding activities and promotions, as well as to fulfill the related legal obligations, and where necessary to exercise your rights in court.

Mandatory or optional nature of providing data and consequences of failure to yield

The submission of data for conducting marketing activities is always free and optional.

The eventual lack of data for marketing purposes will have no consequence on your ability to access the features offered by the site, except for the inability to use the services strictly related to the

Any non-submission of data for profiling will not have any effect on your ability to access the features offered by the Site.

Methods of processing

The collected data is processed via computer systems, mainly electronic and automated, and in
paper form it is limited to particular operations.

n accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - GDPR, specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Subjects involved in the treatment

Your personal data is processed by designated subjects as data processors in accordance with the
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - GDPR. This data may be brought to the attention of the other partner
companies of Case Perrotta S.r.l. | VAT number 04946550870 Rea CT 332557 | Share Capital € 10,000.00 based in via Andronico, 2 - 95010 - Sant'Alfio (CT), Sicily. In addition, with your consent, such data may be transferred outside of the national territory to other partner companies of Case Perrotta srl located in countries outside the European Union: in this case is guaranteed an adequate level of data protection.

The data collected may also be processed by third parties, such as:

- companies that provide website development and hosting services;

- companies that provide IT system maintenance services;

- companies that provide customer care services;

- associations, consultants, professional firms, companies that provide assistance and advice.

The updated list of all data processors can be requested from the Data Controller identified below,
at the e-mail address Case Perrotta Srl does not communicate your data for marketing purposes to third parties so that they use them for own purposes.

Transfer of data abroad

Personal data may be transferred abroad, even outside the European Union.

Scope of data dissemination

Personal data will not be widespread.

Holder of the treatment

Case Perrotta S.r.l. | VAT number 04946550870 Rea CT 332557 | Share Capital € 10,000.00 based
in via Andronico, 2 - 95010 - Sant'Alfio (CT), Sicily. Owner contact email:

Rights of the interested party

At any time you can contact the Data Controller as identified above, at the e-mail address, to exercise the rights recognized by Regulation (EU) 2016/679
-GDPR, to request and obtain confirmation of the existence or not of your data and verify its
content, origin, accuracy, request its integration, updating, rectification, cancellation, transformation
into anonymous form, blocking, as well as to oppose the processing for legitimate reasons.